Campaign page

This section is intended to hold the current results of which ever campaign is running at the club.
we should see the following for each campaign:

  • Campaign master and participants.
  • Campaign rules
  • Maps (if possible)
  • Updates on the battles fought and current leaders
  • Write ups or stories of campaign events.

For those who are not down the club on a regular basis or miss a week, I have the intention to write a challenge board, for members to issue challenges/arrange games for the following week. This will automatically e-mail the challage and can be accepted online with the facillity to post the results afterwards. This will either be hosted here or in the club section. But first I will have to get the rest of the site in shape.

There is currently 2 campaigns running WAB and WHFB, I shall try and get something from both campaign masters to get this section started.