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Ancients Gallery

21/02/01 - The clubs main strength lies in its Ancients armies, all painted to very high standard. We have a few pictures of Darren's Roman army in the Gallery.
15/03/01 -
A few battles..
15/03/01 -
An experiment, I have created a rotating image of Darren's General diorama, which is jumpy, but thats because there is only 8 frames, you can also zoom in. (this has only been tested in IE5.5 and NS4.7, but hopefully if you have Java enabled it will work on other platforms. ) 
A page has been added to show the Gladiators.
18/07/01- Darrens painting skills are putting us all to shame again (and proud to be a LondonGamer) there are pictures of his Assyrians in the Ancients Gallery.
- Last Monday saw the battle of Stamford Bridge in which King Harold Godwinsson defeated King Harald Sigurdsson. This was last Viking battle on English soil, fought a week before the more well known battle of Hastings in 1066. Darren was kind enough to allow the use of his fine figures and write up rules for this engagement, photos are below, labels for each photo will follow shortly..

Battle Pictures:
battle1.jpg (96063 bytes) battle2.jpg (79126 bytes)
(size 800x477- 94kb)  (size 800x362- 78kb)  

Battle of Stamford Bridge:
Bridge1a.jpg (68747 bytes) Bridge1b.jpg (46421 bytes) Bridge1.jpg (76584 bytes) Bridge2.jpg (89188 bytes)
Bridge1a - 68kb  Bridge1b - 46kb   Bridge1 - 75kb Bridge2 - 88kb
Bridge3.jpg (91741 bytes) Bridge4.jpg (92002 bytes) Bridge5a.jpg (154245 bytes) Bridge6a.jpg (90717 bytes)
Bridge3 - 90kb Bridge4 - 90kb   Bridge5 - 151kb Bridge6 - 89kb
boat1.jpg (136663 bytes) boat2.jpg (194646 bytes)
Bridge7 - 136kb  Bridge8 - 120kb  Boat1 - 134kb Boat2 - 191kb