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Web designer: Justin Curtis    

Just added a quick gallery of Gripping Beast figures until their site is up and running.

Monday 14/01/02: 'Happy New Year'

You may have noticed, not much has been happening on this site, this is not due to lack of events, or happenings at the club, we are still going strong meeting every week, winning stuff in tournaments ect, its just I have not had the energy or time to update the site. However fear not, I am at this moment working on a new site design (this one takes soooo long to update), together with a super database gallery. This is my current project which I will complete before painting more stuff, so comeback soon you should start seeing a frenzy of activity from next month.

Thursday 27/09/01: 'New Page, 40k Gallery'

We have a new page after much grief from 'Sticky Back' Tim and wanting to see his Golden Terminator on the site.  I took the opportunity to add some further 40k pics at the same time...40K Gallery.
Paul H is due to bring some painted ECW figures on Monday, I shall attempt to get hold of  a camera and bring back some shots next week.

Thursday 13/09/01: 'Perry Twins ECW figures'

Last weekend saw taxi getting his hands on the much awaited Perry Twins ECW figures, I managed to borrow two of the packs and take some photos. Head over to the Modern section for a look.

Wednesday 08/08/01: 'Some interesting battle pics'

Sorry there are no pics of our trip to Bristol (I had no camera and Custards had run out of memory) however the day was a huge success, fun was had by everyone, it was a lovely sunny day, with a huge cooked breakfast and you got to play 4 or more battles with 'rival' clubs. What more could you ask from a Sunday .
"He's diving in from the sun.....Dakka Dakka". A few weeks back Steve brought down some German and English bi planes, and a great battle for the skies was fought (well the floor of the hall) .
I updated the way the Mynnyd Baddon pictures are displayed in the Close Up page. The large pictures are restricted in their pop up size and now have scroll bars. Just easier to view, nothing new though.
Last week Darren brought his Vikings and Brits down to play out the Battle of Stamford Bridge. Pictures of the battle and a painted resin Viking long ship can be found in the Ancients section.
And lastly for now there are just a couple of pictures in the Violent Crimes section of Terminator robots.

Wednesday 18/07/01: 'Just Bring it on'

Is the war cry of the Bristol Boys,  Sunday 22 July sees the LondonGamers leaving the big city and heading out to the country to meet the Bristol boys on their own turf for a good old bash up. There has been a lot of big talk so lets see who walk the walk (or throws the biggest dice). I am sure there will be a story or two to be told next week, who knows a few pics too. 
The Ancients section has had some pictures of Darrens stunning  Assyrians added. Go check them out NOW.

Thursday 28/06/01:New Pictures and Pages

Has it been that long since the last update! Things have been quite recently as the club hall is having a makeover until the end of July. So I thought I would take this quiet spell and post up more pictures which have been sitting on my machine for months.
First up is a table of  this years tournament standings based on an average of points scored over the tournaments attended.
There are changes in the Fantasy section you can find a new WHFB page showing a dwarf army, a new Mordheim page and an update in the warmaster gallery.
We now have a new section for Violent Crimes, the look and feel is still under construction but there are plenty of photos. 

Tuesday 22/05/01:Pictures from Salute 2001?

Many thanks to Soaps and Ratboy for helping with putting captions to the salute photos, go and check them out in the Club section.

Friday 18/05/01:Whats happened to all the pictures?

After the big build up to the display at Olympia, there were supposed to be lots of lovely photos, well there are, over 40 photos in fact. The day was a huge success and many people loved the display. When are have finished putting names to them all the link will be posted (early next week)
In the meantime there are some gladiators in the Ancients bit.
Coming soon Violent Crimes, in a city full of bent cops and gangland legends.

Wednesday  18/04/01: 3 days to Salute (Olympia, London).

Only a few days to go before Salute, the battle of Mynnyd Baddon display has been completed and the test run on Monday was a great success. You can see some pictures of what to expect here . Come and see us on Saturday. 
A few weeks back some time was found to play some Napoleonics you can see the pictures here.
And we have a new member, mad enough to join us.