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The following Warmaster army has been painted by Justin Curtis, more to follow. (click on images to enlarge). The Images with red writing where added on 23/06/01.
General -25kb Boar Chariot -27kb Orc Shaman -13kb Goblin Hero -14kb
Goblin Shaman -14kb Black Orcs -47kb Orcs1 -39kb Orcs2 -43kb
GobblinShaman2.jpg (41651 bytes) GoblinWolfRiders.jpg (86938 bytes) BoarRiders.jpg (105905 bytes)
Goblins -58kb The hand of Gork -41kb Goblin Wolf Riders -85kb Boar Boyz -104kb

Boar Boyz Side -55kb 3 Gobbo Chariot -53kb Gobbo Chariot -61kb Orc Village -27kb
OrcWyvern.jpg (89676 bytes) RockLobba.jpg (104933 bytes) Charactures.jpg (79803 bytes) Amountain.jpg (60103 bytes)
Wyvern -88kb Rock Lobba -103kb All 9 Characters in my 2000pt army-78kb Wyvern in mountains - 59kb