fantasy section will have 3 sub sections... WHFB, 40K and Warmaster.
25/06/01.. There has finally been some updates
in the Fantasy section. There is a large selection of Dwarfs in WHFB2, new
pictures in the Warmaster gallery and a few Pics in the Mordheim section just
for a change.
OK, we some fantasy pictures now in the
WHFB gallery. Below is the start of a Empire civil war, I only arrived at the
end to take a few shots of Paul's Empire army. See gallery.

(size 800x481- 109kb)
Soapy has been busy with his green stuff, just
check out this scratch built Obelix, he also done a great paint job on it too
(I understand he is offering his painting services). You can check out more of
his work in the Show Gallery here .
Obelix - 18kb |
Obelix2 - 16kb |
Obelix3 - 13kb |