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Warhammer Dwarfs

Painted by Justin 
My figures are from the late 80s as that's when I started playing WHFB and I got most of my Dwarfs second hand. They have in my opinion much more character, that is until now. But as I still have plenty of 'old' figures to paint so I shall continue my army under its original theme, besides they now stand out in the crowd more. I will just have to give them all a face lift like the IronBreakers and make new standards then my Dwarfs will once again march onto the battle field showing all why they are the best warriors in the old world.    
DwarfBugmans.jpg (71976 bytes) DwarfHammers.jpg (58079 bytes) DwarfIronBreakers.jpg (130328 bytes) DwarfSpearMen.jpg (95038 bytes)
2nd ed Bugmans -71kb Hammers -57kb Iron Breakers -128kb Spear Clansmen (discont) -93kb
DwarfXboMen.jpg (52397 bytes) HammersCommand.jpg (109581 bytes) DwarfChar.jpg (170941 bytes) DwarfSlayers.jpg (103536 bytes)
Xbow Clansmen -52kb General + BattleStnd -108kb Characters -55kb Slayers -102kb
DwarfKing.jpg (163334 bytes) ThroneOfPower.jpg (191760 bytes) DwarfCannonFront.jpg (102778 bytes) DwarfCannonTop.jpg (129381 bytes)
DwarfKing -100kb Throne of Power :) -57kb Cannon Front -59kb Cannon Top -72kb

DwarfLobbaFront.jpg (107561 bytes) DwarfLobbaTop.jpg (127582 bytes) DwarfGyro.jpg (120626 bytes) OldFlameCannon.jpg (75250 bytes)
Stone Thrower Front -62kb Stone Thrower Top -71kb Gyro Coppter -51kb Old Flame Cannon -46kb
DwarfFireThrower.jpg (65543 bytes) Dwarfmountaineers.jpg (61300 bytes)
Fire Thrower & Portable cannon (The engineer guild has now banned these lethal weapons. Only now Skaven stole the knowledge and use it in their armies) -38kb Converted Mountaineers (yes these skiing dwarfs were in 3rd ed rules, one original pair of skis but alas the original figures are long gone) -60kb
Misc Figures
blackorc.jpg (37622 bytes) ChaosWarriors.jpg (109966 bytes)
GamesDay Black Orc -37kb Chaos Warriors, notice the bloodletter much cooler I think -66kb