Violent Crimes
Welcome to Violent Crimes once I figure how to slice images and make cool pushy buttons the interface above will not work so use the side bar to find your way back to the main pages.
The majority of cool figures below are Mark Copperstones. So Soapy decides "love the figures, I'll make some rules to go with them" and so thanks to him we have all gone out and bought ourselves a gang or two to use with his set of cool urban combat rules. For now here are some pictures of the gangs which have been found roaming the streets. 
Justin1.JPG (33105 bytes) Justin2.JPG (14839 bytes)
Soapys Skatboarder -31kb Soapys Skatboarder & Rollerblading Girl -32kb Justins film crew minder -16kb Justins Camera man -33kb Justins film crew minder -15kb
Justin4.JPG (14166 bytes) Justin5.JPG (11973 bytes) Justin6.JPG (64174 bytes) BOP1.JPG (35888 bytes) BOP2.JPG (22759 bytes)
Justins reporter -14kb Justins reporter -12kb Justins film crew -63kb BOPs Team-36kb BOPs Team -23kb
Custard1.JPG (56473 bytes) Custard2.JPG (38389 bytes) luke1.jpg (22680 bytes) Luke2.JPG (48431 bytes) Luke3.JPG (21638 bytes)
Custards Team -56kb Custards Team -38kb Ratboys gang -23kb Ratboys gang-48kb Ratboys gang-22kb
Luke4.JPG (35125 bytes) Luke5.JPG (40714 bytes) luke6.JPG (60674 bytes) Battle1.JPG (61232 bytes)  
Ratboys gang -35kb Ratboys gang -40kb Ratboys gang -60kb Skirmish-60kb  
TermAll.jpg (54472 bytes) TermClose.jpg (37693 bytes)      
Justins Terminators -54kb Close Up of Terminator -37kb