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Salute 2001

OK, this is for the hard core few who love large close up photos. However be warned these photos are 1280x500 px and around 200kb, so if you have a 28.8k modem then they would take around 2mins to download, however if you have a 56k modem then its around 1min. And for the real nutters I have merged all 5 photos into one long picture.

07/08/01: As a quick fix for the pics on this page I have made the pop up windows 800 wide but allowed scroll bars in them so the whole window should appear on you page and you can just scroll left to right.
Enjoy :)
s28a.jpg (205739 bytes) s28b.jpg (218653 bytes) s28c.jpg (215447 bytes) s28d.jpg (201934 bytes)
s28a -201k s28b- 214k s28c- 211k s28d-198k
s28e.jpg (201124 bytes) jpgsaxlong.jpg (261245 bytes)
s28e -197k Saxon army -256kb (2600x250px long)
s31a.jpg (189383 bytes) s31b.jpg (204171 bytes) s31c.jpg (210849 bytes) s31d.jpg (210071 bytes)
s31a -185k s31b- 200k s31c- 206k s31d-206k
s31e.jpg (203526 bytes) jpgbritlong.jpg (288655 bytes)
s31e -199k Briton army- 282kb (2955x250px long)