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Yes were putting on a Demonstration event display this year at :
Salute 2001 on the 21st April in London

Check this space for regular updates, then come and see the display in April...

18/04/01 -We have a few more photos in the Gallery, of the finished table and the battle in progress.

-We have a few more photos in the Gallery, the gaming table has been put together for the first time, and some of the regiments have been completed.

21/02/01 - A few of the painting crew tackling some of the 1000 figures needed to be painted with only a few months to go... and scenery guys are laying the foundations of the huge 12'x5' gaming table.

12/02/01 - Soapy is documenting the madness undertaken by the club in its effort to have a display ready for Salute.  Read the first installment in the Show Dairy

02/02/01 - Andy (Soapy) has been to some excellent conversions, check out the show gallery to see some of the work in progress..